Axxeon Commander's Pet (Mates For Axxeon 9 Book 2) Page 5
“Hey,” she said softly. “Are you okay?”
Brandon could barely walk, let alone return to firefighting. How was he going to work with the tactical team Alora had talked about and return to the city to help them kill the degarzee?
“I inquired the same,” Tryllin said. “He assured me he was simply tired.”
Priya shook her head and touched Brandon’s arm. Her instincts kicked in and she immediately ran an assessment of his symptoms through her mind. “This is more than being tired. When did you last see your sister? She didn’t mention to me that you were ill.”
Quixx moved closer, his eyes tracking her hand as she touched the human male. Brandon waved her off, but it was a weak attempt. “I’m fine.”
Typical answer. “Don’t let your pride get in the way of needing help.”
His arms quivered with a fine tremble, and he stood slightly hunched over as if holding himself up was too much work. Brandon shook his head loosely. “I haven’t felt right since the Nozing attack, but the last twenty-four hours have been brutal.”
Taking his hand, she inspected his fingernails. The crescents in his nail beds were gone, his fingertips almost waxy white.
“What are you doing?” Quixx’s voice boomed, the tone lined with displeasure.
She didn’t answer and continued a rudimentary exam of her best friend’s brother. Brandon’s normally glossy blonde hair looked dull and appeared thinner than she recalled. “Smile big for me. I need to see your gums.”
He did, revealing pale gums that should have been pink and healthy.
“Has your hair been falling out? Unusually constipated? Have you--”
Brandon took her hand to halt any further exam. “I’m fine, Priya. I asked the King to show me what’s going on in the city so we can start planning. That’s all.”
“Brandon, I strongly suggest that you—”
“It’s probably just the flu or something.”
“This isn’t the flu and you know it. You’re a paramedic, Brandon. Come on.”
His hand clamped around hers, connecting them as he smiled reassuringly. Quixx moved even closer with a low growl that startled her. He flashed a clearly displeased look her way.
“What?” She demanded.
His jaw worked back and forth. “If this human is ill, he could infect you as well. He should not be touching you.”
Suddenly, Brandon reached out and grabbed the King, who spun to support him with both hands and lowered him to the ground.
“Brandon!” Priya hurried to his side, cradling his head so he wouldn’t hit it on the floor. “He needs medical treatment. He needs some blood work and… wait.” She searched her memory and looked at Quixx. “When he and the other firefighters were held captive by the Nozing, were they exposed to anything that you know of?”
“I am not aware of this.”
Tryllin agreed.
Brandon’s breaths came shallow and quick. Taking a shaky gasp, he struggled to sit but Priya held him with a palm on his chest. Sweat beaded along his hairline and glistened at the base of his neck. Whatever was wrong was progressing rapidly. He weakly took Priya’s wrist, drawing her attention.
“When those aliens came to the firehouse, they blasted something. Like a gas. I took the brunt of it square of the face before it turned to mist and filtered through the fire station. It made everyone confused and weak, but they bounced right back after we were rescued. I haven’t felt right since.”
She felt his pulse at his wrist. His pulse pounded with an irregular beat. “I suspect that you have a severe electrolyte imbalance, probably a nutrient deficiency. Whatever you were exposed to may have stripped your reserves. Can we get him to medical?”
In two swift moves, Quixx hefted Brandon over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“That works,” Priya said dryly. “Just how much does Yawnlit know about human medicine?”
Tryllin waved them down the hall as he hurried along. “I do not know. I understand that you are a physician. He may need your assistance.”
“Or we could just take him to a real hospital.”
Quixx cut her a sharp glance. “Did you forget the state your city is in? The hospital where you and the Queen were employed has been destroyed by fire. The other closest facility is in the path of destruction. We cannot take him there.”
A lump lodged in her throat. Taking Brandon’s hand, she held it tight as Quixx carried him down a series of hallways. The medical bay was bright, pristine white, with a series of glass-front cabinets on one wall, an exam table to the side, and another table with a glass box around it in the middle of the room. A robotic-type arm hovered over the center of the bed where it held a dome-shaped object.
“We will place him in the scanner.” Quixx tapped a button on the floor with his foot and the glass casing lowered into the floor. After placing Brandon onto the bed, he tapped it again and the casing rose. The dome lowered from the ceiling arm directly over Brandon’s head and face.
Quixx turned to her expectantly. “You may begin.”
“Begin what?”
“Your examination.”
Did he really think she knew how to use this thing? “I don’t know how to operate your equipment. Your alien tech is not the same as ours.” Hands on her hips, she looked around. “Where’s Yawnlit?”
Tryllin tapped the comlet on his wrist and an image of the Axxeon physician popped into the air in wavering green lines. Behind him, four Axxeon warriors pulled a body on a stretcher.
“I will be there in just a moment, my King. If you would please stand to one side so we may safely bring in the captive.”
Captive? The base of her neck tingled. It was a subconscious thing, that was all. There was nothing more to it. Seeing the Nozing again intrigued her. Had his wings progressed?
Tryllin gave a commanding sweep of his arm and everyone stood to the far wall. The doors to the medical bay opened and the men pulled the stretcher inside. Priya gasped. Orange-red blood soaked the sheets and marred his back in a blend of dried and new. The wings appeared to have made little progress and remained appeared as two misshapen lumps jutting out of his back.
The prince didn’t stir as he was wheeled into a containment cell against the far wall. The stretcher was lowered into a makeshift bed and the warriors left him, locking him inside. She wanted to get inside the room and inspect the prince, but she had to figure out what was wrong with Brandon before he got worse.
One patient at a time.
Exhilarated, she realized how clear and energized her mind was. She missed the challenge of treating patients. Being thrown back into it was a challenge she could deny, or dive into. No way was she going to let Brandon down.
Yawnlit approached her and Priya pulled up short at his sickly appearance. “What’s the matter with you?”
Jesus, everyone in this place was getting sick. Maybe Quixx was onto something with his fear of a contagion going around. The doctor’s hexagon pattern was sickly pale, the red and green faded like the hues of a dying flower. He shuffled, his movements short and quick as if he’d lost the ability to move normally.
“I will need to charge my solarderm soon, my King.” Yawnlit said as he bypassed her and scurried to Brandon.
“Do as you must.”
He spared a glance at Priya as she joined him at Brandon’s side. “Aging Axxeon must charge their solarderm beneath natural UV light to prevent illness. I will need to do so soon.”
Brandon’s respiratory rate had increased, his skin waxier than a few moments ago.
“Can you just get it done so you can take care of these patients?”
Yawnlit patted Priya’s wrist. “I am elderly. It will take several days to properly recharge—”
Several days? “We don’t have that kind of time.”
“—which is why I asked you to assist me. You will watch over things while I am away.”
Alarm flickered in her chest. “I can’t. I don’t know how to run your equipment or to
take care of your people.”
He smiled gently. “Neither patient is my species. I do not know how to care for them, either. But I will do my best. The human? Who better to treat him than you, a human doctor? We will do the best we can with the other one, together. Will you help me?”
No. This wasn’t the deal! She was supposed to help Quixx, not take over as interim physician for a mixed bag of aliens. Brandon’s low groan drew her gaze. She’d never imagined him weak by any means, but he appeared that way right now. Frail. Thin. He completely lacked his normal enigmatic strength and energy. He could barely take a deep breath. He needed treatment, fast, or he’d never set foot out of this medical bay.
She’d never thought she’d work as a physician again, yet she found herself swallowing hard.
“Yes, I will help you.”
Chapter Seven
Quixx glared at the Nozing prince huddled on the cot inside the locked observation room.
He was uncomfortable having such an enemy in the same room as Priya while she worked alongside Yawnlit on the human male. Her tender ministrations gave Quixx a burning sensation deep inside his middle. She seemed to care for this male. She was gentle with him, careful. The tone of her voice soft and lacking the hard edge she had when speaking to him.
She cared for this human and it stirred an emotion that Quixx was not familiar with. He did not know what to call it, or how to react to it. But it was uncomfortable, and he wished it would stop.
Tryllin came to stand beside him and they both looked at the prisoner. He had the feeling that his King had something to say, so he waited quietly.
“I must tell Alora about her brother. I will wait until the human has made a diagnosis, so I have more information.”
Quixx gave a single nod of agreement. Tryllin dropped his voice. “I’ve received word that a degarzee was released inside the nation’s capital city. The white dwelling that houses their leader has been set aflame.”
“Released? How is that possible? How could it travel that far?”
Tryllin tore his gaze away from the prisoner. Quixx stiffened at the blaze in his King’s eyes. “I believe that we did not drive all of the Nozing away.”
Quixx had silently feared there were Nozing units scattered in other locations the Axxeon had not detected. It was possible the deadly blow they’d delivered to their enemy two weeks ago had not killed them all. He eyed the enemy prince, still lying motionless on the cot. Quixx had visited the prison twice in the past day to check on the prince’s health. He seemed to have sunk into some sort of stasis, saying nothing and barely moving since his outburst in the prison. They had yet to be able to properly interrogate him, and there was no telling when that would be possible now.
It seemed the wings were taking a long time to emerge. Just how much more did this prince need to morph before he’d be able to talk? It was unacceptable to simply wait.
“He may know where the rest of his kind are hiding. Can Yawnlit give him something to make him wake up?” He sensed movement behind him and made a half-turn to see Priya facing him. Her lips were pulled to one side, a look of disgust on her face.
“He’s barely conscious and you want to drill him for information? It never works in the movies on humans, so I doubt it’s going to work on him, either.”
“This does not concern you.” Quixx raised his chin and returned his attention to Tryllin. “You are aware that I am quite skilled in interrogation. We’ve put this off too long. It is time.”
“What if he won’t speak to you?” Priya demanded. Setting his jaw, he refrained from looking at her. The edge to her words felt like a challenge.
“There are many ways of making someone talk.”
“You’re going to torture a creature that’s already in obvious physical pain? Is that your job, or just something you enjoy?”
Quixx spun. How dare she challenge his authority and question his intentions. What did she know about fighting an enemy that erased everyone you loved? This was war, and it would continue to be war until every last Nozing was obliterated.
“Female, you will refrain from speaking.”
He leveled her with a glare. To his surprise, she smirked and turned back to Yawnlit and the human patient. How was she able to so effortlessly flame his anger? Torture was not his job, as she put it. But it was something he would do for the sake of his people. For the sake of revenge.
There wasn’t anything he was above doing if it meant getting back at those who’d killed their sisters, mothers. Children. A wave of restlessness washed over him. He wished all of these problems were done and out of the way so he could throw himself into the mission to B-2 Delta. He needed to go. Soon, before the desperate need for closure and retribution ate him from the inside out.
Tryllin gripped Quixx by the upper arm and gave a resolute shake of his head. “We will not question him today, or any other day until his transformation is complete. Minute-by-minute, he retreats further into himself. Instead, let us focus on completing the tasks at hand. We suspected if there were Nozing left alive, that they would come for their prince. We may get the pleasure of battling them soon. Until then, we focus on retrieving the weapon and the female and leaving for Axxeon 9.”
“Of course, my King.”
“It will happen soon.” Tryllin said. “I have communicated with the female. She feels it is safe for her to depart in three days.”
Three days? He’d go today if it meant getting this over with. But there was the question of his… attitude.
“My King, I will not have had enough time to work on my deficits in three days. I will disgrace you by offending her in some way. She will change her mind.”
Tryllin patted Quixx on the shoulder. “She cannot change her mind. The agreement states that she will provide the weapons in exchange for passage to Axxeon 9. She is desperate to leave, and I believe her to be serious in her demands.” Tryllin’s comlet buzzed, flashing an image of the Queen. He strode Priya. She was bent over Brandon, speaking in low tones with Yawnlit who was showing her how to use the body scanner.
“Do you have electrolytes? He’s going to need a bag hung. Also, iron?”
“We may have equivalents of what you need. I will retrieve our medicine cart.”
Quixx stood beside Tryllin, observing as Priya ran a small cloth in a circular motion inside the crook of Brandon’s right arm. “Yawnlit tells me this machine above my head will insert an intravenous line, but really. Who would trust that, you know?”
He wasn’t sure who she was speaking to. It sounded like she was conversing mostly with herself. He moved closer to watch. She had a long instrument with a tube at the end perched in her hand. Holding it at eye level, she inspected it for a moment, turning it this way and that. “Okay, I think I have it figured out. I’ve never seen anything like this.” She glanced over her shoulder at Quixx. “It’s an intravenous catheter, but the hub of the needle is round instead of beveled. I’m not sure it will work on humans.”
“The round tip is for maneuvering beneath Axxeon solarderm.” Yawnlit appeared with a rolling cart. “Simply use more force when breaking the human skin. Insert very quickly and with thrust.”
Quixx shifted his weight as she lined up the instrument with a fat vein in the human’s arm. Sweat began to bead along his hairline. He had taken many wounds in battle, but medical piercing objects were a different breed of pain. Even as a kinder, he would struggle against his mother when it was time to have blood taken from his veins for the doctor to analyze.
She glanced at Yawnlit. Quixx held his breath as the doctor gave her an encouraging wave of his hand.
“That’s right. With thrust. Hard thrust to break through the skin. Force it right in.”
Quixx shifted his weight again.
Priya leaned low and slid the needle quickly into the human’s arm. The skin pulled taut before giving way to the breach of the needle. Immediately, blood flashed into a small plastic window at the base of the instrument. She made quick work of s
ecuring the line with a bandage around Brandon’s arm. Her expression was satisfied and very pleased.
Quixx put a hand on his hip and dug his fingers into his flesh through his clothing. His head felt light, the room wobbling as if it were moving.
“Quixx, do you need to sit down?” Priya was at his side in a rush. Her voice sounded far away, as if she were speaking to him from the end of the corridor. He brushed her off with one hand.
“Of course not. I am fine.”
“You’re pale as a sheet. Oh my… you don’t like needles, do you?”
“I said that I am well!”
The floor tipped and he shuffled to right himself. A metal seat was dragged behind him and he was pushed into it. His face flamed hot with embarrassment. His men could not see him like this. And his King… yiiy, he was being weak in front of his King.
“So… you’re not above torturing a guy, but you can’t handle needles?”
Rising from the chair, caught it before it could tip backward from his sudden movement. His head was swimming and it took all his will to concentrate. He was not going to respond to her jab. This is why human females were not suitable mates. She took pleasure in running her mouth, directing her insults at him.
Even if… he may enjoy doing the same. Their verbal sparring was interesting and opened something inside him he had not felt before. He would like to have more time to banter words with her. Just not here. In front of his King who was looking at him with great concern.
“I am fine,” Quixx reassured.
Tryllin caught Priya’s attention. “What shall I tell my wife about the state of her brother?”
“Well, we’re doing the initial testing now, but I suspect whatever chemical he inhaled during the Nozing attack caused his body to deplete its stores of electrolytes and nutrients. Yawnlit is going to show me how to check Brandon’s organs to make sure we don’t have some sort of body system failure. He may be in a sleep state for a while. He’s very sick, but she can visit him anytime, of course. I’m going to see about starting an infusion to replace the stores he’s lost.”